Friday, April 24, 2015

Past Remembrance

It's not very often when I come across something that takes me right back to that day and age in my life. As kid there were times where I had to be admitted to Children's in Minneapolis/St.Paul  because of this and that. Well during those times I spent most of my time coloring or drawing, I was a big artist back then and Children's did this day by day pictures that were submitted on the children show at the hospital that way the children could see their masterpiece on the TV.

Well today while shopping and browsing, I came across a spiral bound book that were animals stencils. I also had animal stencils back then when I was at children's, I can't remember where I had gotten the stencils from but I would spend hours doing those and because I was there at least a week or more because I was so sick. SO at one point my drawings were featured. 

It was crazy how much I remember and how joyous I could be drawing, now did I buy that book? Sadly no the store was asking for a hefty price on it but it was definitely worth while stopping at that particular store and it was new to me. 

I'm sure that I'll come across other things that I do have personally like stuff animals that I had gotten while at Children because I been there a couple times as a kid. I can remember when my parents and I would be driving to the cities at night because it was urgent that I get admitted.  

It's the little things that take you back, things that you probably don't think of anymore. It like when an adult man dances and whistle to a old Disney song ( yes that also happen today) I had to stop at the Disney store of course. Those things are fun to remember and sometimes just act like a kid for just a few seconds.
~ Kat

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